证券代码 | TRMT.O |
证券名称 | Tremont Mortgage Trust |
证券类型 | 美股 |
上市场所 | 纳斯达克交易所 |
上市板块 | 主板 |
发行方式 | 公开发售 |
首发上市日 | 2017-09-14 |
首发价格(元) | 20 USD |
首发数量(股) | 2500000 |
首发募资额(元) | 50,000,000.00 USD |
首发主承销商 | UBS Securities LLC,Citigroup Global Markets Inc.,RBC Capital Mar |
货币单位 | USD |
公司名称 | Tremont Mortgage Trust |
注册地址 | 美国马里兰州 |
办公地址 | Two Newton Place, 255 Washington Street, Suite 300, Newton, Massachusetts, USA |
成立日期 | 2017-06-01 |
董事会主席 | - |
公司属地 | United States 美国 |
公司网址 | www.trmtreit.com |
电话 | +1 (617) 796-8317 |
传真 | +1 (617) 454-3645 |
公司简介 | Tremont Mortgage Trust is a real estate finance company that plans to focus primarily on originating and investing in first mortgage loans secured by middle market and transitional commercial real estate, or CRE. The Trust defines middle market CRE as commercial properties that have values up to $75.0 million and transitional CRE as commercial properties subject to redevelopment or repositioning activities that are expected to increase the value of the properties. The Trust believes that focusing on middle market and transitional CRE will provide it with opportunities to achieve higher returns relative to first mortgage loans secured by properties that have values greater than $75.0 million or stabilized properties. It also believes that its Manager provides it with significant experience and expertise in investing in middle market and transitional CRE. Although it expects its primary focus will be originating and investing in floating rate first mortgage loans of less than $50.0 million, its target investments will also include subordinated mortgages, mezzanine loans and preferred equity interests in entities that own middle market and transitional CRE. The Trust was organized on June 1, 2017. |