Long Blockchain Corp (LBCC.O)

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公司介绍(Long Blockchain Corp)

证券代码 LBCC.O
证券名称 Long Blockchain Corp
证券类型 美股
上市场所 纳斯达克交易所
上市板块 主板
发行方式 公开发售
首发上市日 2016-07-29
首发价格(元) 5.5 USD
首发数量(股) 1818182
首发募资额(元) 10,000,000.00 USD
首发主承销商 Alexander Capital, L.P.,Axiom Capital Management, Inc.,Network 1
货币单位 USD
公司名称 Long Blockchain Corp.
注册地址 美国特拉华州
办公地址 116 Charlotte Avenue, Hicksville, New York, USA
成立日期 2014-12-23
董事会主席 Andy Shape
公司属地 United States 美国
公司网址 www.longblockchain.com
电话 +1 (855) 542-2832
传真 -
公司简介 Long Blockchain Corp. is focused on developing and investing in globally scalable blockchain technology solutions. It is dedicated to becoming a significant blockchain business that creates long term value for its shareholders and the wider community by investing in and developing businesses that are "on-chain". Blockchain technology is fundamentally changing the way people and businesses transact, and the Company will strive to be at the forefront of this dynamic industry, actively pursuing opportunities.
