Frankly Inc (FKLY.O)

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公司介绍(Frankly Inc)

证券代码 FKLY.O
证券名称 Frankly Inc
证券类型 美股
上市场所 纳斯达克交易所
上市板块 主板
发行方式 公开发售
首发上市日 -
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 Roth Capital Partners, LLC,Joseph Gunnar & Co., LLC
货币单位 -
公司名称 Frankly Inc.
注册地址 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省
办公地址 333 Bryant Street, Suite 240, San Francisco, California, USA
成立日期 2013-06-07
董事会主席 Tom Rogers
公司属地 Canada 加拿大
电话 +1 (415) 861-9797
传真 -
公司简介 Frankly Inc. (TSXV:TLK) started trading on the TSX Venture Exchange on January 5th, 2015. Founded in 2013, Frankly is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with offices in New York City. They build an integrated software platform for brands and media companies to create, distribute, analyze and monetize their content across all of their digital properties on web, mobile, and TV. Their customers include NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX affiliates, as well as other leading media organizations. Collectively, Frankly reaches nearly 60 million monthly users in the United States.
