证券代码 | DWCH.O |
证券名称 | 数据观察 |
证券类型 | 美股 |
上市场所 | 纳斯达克交易所 |
上市板块 | - |
发行方式 | - |
首发上市日 | 1992-05-01 |
首发价格(元) | - |
首发数量(股) | 0 |
首发募资额(元) | - |
首发主承销商 | - |
货币单位 | USD |
公司名称 | Datawatch Corporation |
注册地址 | 美国特拉华州 |
办公地址 | 4 Crosby Drive, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA |
成立日期 | 1986 |
董事会主席 | - |
公司属地 | United States 美国 |
公司网址 | www.datawatch.com |
电话 | +1 (978) 441-2200 |
传真 | +1 (978) 441-1114 |
公司简介 | Datawatch Corporation (NASDAQ-CM: DWCH) Datawatch Corporation is the data intelligence solutions provider that will fuel your business. Datawatch can confidently position individuals and organizations to master all data – no matter the origin, format or narrative – resulting in faster time to insight. Datawatch solutions are architected to drive the use of more data, foster more trust and incorporate more minds into analytics and reporting projects. With over 25 years in business, organizations of all sizes in more than 100 countries worldwide use Datawatch products, including 93 of the Fortune 100.The company is headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts, with offices in Toronto, New York, London, Stockholm, Singapore and Manila. |