Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC (CQH.A)

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公司介绍(Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC)

证券代码 CQH.A
证券名称 Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC
证券类型 美股
上市场所 美国证券交易所
上市板块 主板
发行方式 公开发售
首发上市日 2013-12-13
首发价格(元) 20 USD
首发数量(股) 36000000
首发募资额(元) 720,000,000.00 USD
首发主承销商 RBC Capital Markets, LLC,Goldman, Sachs & Co,Credit Suisse Secur
货币单位 USD
公司名称 Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC
注册地址 美国特拉华州
办公地址 700 Milam Street, Suite 1900, Houston, Texas, USA
成立日期 2013-07-29
董事会主席 -
公司属地 United States 美国
电话 +1 (713) 375-5000
传真 +1 (713) 375-6000
公司简介 Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC is a publicly traded Delaware limited liability company formed by Cheniere in 2013 to hold its limited partner interests in Cheniere Partners, a publicly traded limited partnership. Cheniere Partners is developing, constructing and operating natural gas liquefaction facilities at the Sabine Pass LNG terminal located in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, on the Sabine-Neches Waterway less than four miles from the Gulf Coast adjacent to the existing regasification facilities through its wholly owned subsidiary, SPL. The liquefaction of natural gas into LNG allows it to be shipped economically from areas of the world where natural gas is abundant and inexpensive to produce to other areas where natural gas demand and infrastructure exist to economically justify the use of LNG. Cheniere Partners owns and operates the LNG regasification facilities at the Sabine Pass LNG terminal through its wholly owned subsidiary, SPLNG.
