Workspace Property Trust (wspt.n)

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公司介绍(Workspace Property Trust)

证券代码 WSPT.N
证券名称 Workspace Property Trust
证券类型 美股
上市场所 纽约证券交易所
上市板块 主板
发行方式 公开发售
首发上市日 -
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC,J.P. Morgan Securities LLC,Merrill Lynch
货币单位 -
公司名称 Workspace Property Trust
注册地址 美国马里兰州
办公地址 700 Dresher Road, Suite 150, Horsham, Pennsylvania, USA
成立日期 2015
董事会主席 Thomas A. Rizk
公司属地 United States 美国
电话 +1 (215) 328-2700
传真 -
公司简介 Workspace Property Trust is a fully integrated real estate investment company primarily focused on acquiring, owning and operating high-quality office and flex real estate in prime locations within transit centric, amenity rich U.S. suburban office submarkets. The founding members of its management team, Thomas A. Rizk and Roger W. Thomas, have a proven track record, having led a public suburban office REIT that achieved market-leading total shareholder returns during their joint tenure. It believes the U.S. suburban office market is under-represented in the public REIT space despite offering compelling risk-adjusted returns that are supported by recovering demand, limited new supply and an increasing demographic shift back to the suburbs. It intend to capitalize on this market opportunity by sourcing and executing accretive acquisitions and enhancing the value of its portfolio through proactive asset management. As a first step in executing on its strategy, it has assembled a strong portfolio of 148 properties, totaling 9.9 million rentable square feet. As of October 20, 2017, through its extensive network of relationships, it has identified an acquisition pipeline of high-quality, well-located and attractively-priced suburban office and flex properties owned by third-party sellers totaling more than 25.0 million square feet and with an estimated purchase price of approximately $4.0 billion based on management's estimates of the market price for such square footage.
