Horizon Technology Finance Corp Notes (htfa.n)

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公司介绍(Horizon Technology Finance Corp Notes)

证券代码 HTFA.N
证券名称 Horizon Technology Finance Corp Notes
证券类型 美国债券
上市场所 纽约证券交易所
上市板块 -
发行方式 -
首发上市日 2017-10-04
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 -
货币单位 -
公司名称 Horizon Technology Finance Corporation
注册地址 美国特拉华州
办公地址 312 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, Connecticut, USA
成立日期 2010-03-16
董事会主席 -
公司属地 United States 美国
公司网址 www.horizontechfinance.com
电话 +1 (860) 676-8654
传真 +1 (860) 676-8655
公司简介 Horizon Technology Finance Corporation is a leading specialty finance company that provides capital in the form of secured loans to venture capital backed companies in the technology, life science, healthcare information and services, and cleantech industries. The investment objective of Horizon is to maximize its investment portfolio's return by generating current income from the debt investments it makes and capital appreciation from the warrants it receives when making such debt investments. Headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut, Horizon has regional offices in Pleasanton, California, Reston, Virginia and Boston, Massachusetts. Horizon's common stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol "HRZN".
