证券代码 | FRT.N |
证券名称 | FRT信托 |
证券类型 | 美股 |
上市场所 | 纽约证券交易所 |
上市板块 | - |
发行方式 | - |
首发上市日 | 1984-12-17 |
首发价格(元) | - |
首发数量(股) | 0 |
首发募资额(元) | - |
首发主承销商 | - |
货币单位 | - |
公司名称 | Federal Realty Investment Trust |
注册地址 | 美国马里兰州 |
办公地址 | 909 Rose Avenue, Suite 200, North Bethesda, Maryland, USA |
成立日期 | 1962 |
董事会主席 | - |
公司属地 | United States 美国 |
公司网址 | www.federalrealty.com |
电话 | +1 (301) 998-8100 |
传真 | - |
公司简介 | Federal Realty Investment Trust is a recognized leader in the ownership, operation and redevelopment of high-quality retail-based properties located primarily in major coastal markets from Washington, D.C. to Boston as well as San Francisco and Los Angeles. Founded in 1962, Federal Realty's mission is to deliver long-term, sustainable growth through investing in communities where retail demand exceeds supply. Its expertise includes creating urban, mixed-use neighborhoods like Santana Row in San Jose, California, Pike & Rose in North Bethesda, Maryland and Assembly Row in Somerville, Massachusetts. These unique and vibrant environments that combine shopping, dining, living and working provide a destination experience valued by their respective communities. |