证券代码 | CATM.O |
证券名称 | Cardtronics plc |
证券类型 | 美股 |
上市场所 | 纳斯达克交易所 |
上市板块 | - |
发行方式 | - |
首发上市日 | 2016-07-01 |
首发价格(元) | - |
首发数量(股) | 0 |
首发募资额(元) | - |
首发主承销商 | - |
货币单位 | - |
公司名称 | Cardtronics plc |
注册地址 | 英格兰威尔士 |
办公地址 | 3250 Briarpark Drive, Suite, 400 Houston, Texas, USA |
成立日期 | 2001-04 |
董事会主席 | Mark Rossi |
公司属地 | United Kingdom 英国 |
公司网址 | www.cardtronics.com |
电话 | +1 (832) 308-4000 |
传真 | +1 (832) 308-4001 |
公司简介 | Cardtronics plc, the world's largest non-bank ATM operator, places ATMs with merchants of all sizes including regional and national Fortune 500 retailers throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Poland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Cardtronics’ financial services customer roster includes many of the largest banks and credit unions in the world, companies who leverage Cardtronics’ surcharge-free ATM branding and surcharge-free network opportunities to better serve their customers and members. Cardtronics owns/operates approximately 225,000 ATMs across its network, spanning multiple countries and four continents. |