Bancorp of New Jersey Inc (bkj.a)

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公司介绍(Bancorp of New Jersey Inc)

证券代码 BKJ.A
证券名称 Bancorp of New Jersey Inc
证券类型 美股
上市场所 美国证券交易所
上市板块 -
发行方式 -
首发上市日 2008-06-03
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 -
货币单位 USD
公司名称 Bancorp of New Jersey, Inc.
注册地址 美国新泽西州
办公地址 1365 Palisade Avenue, Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA
成立日期 2006-11
董事会主席 Gerald A. Calabrese, Jr.
公司属地 United States 美国
电话 +1 (201) 944-8600
传真 -
公司简介 Bancorp of New Jersey, Inc. is a one-bank holding company incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey in November, 2006 to serve as a holding company for Bank of New Jersey, referred to as the “Bank.” (Unless the context otherwise requires, all references to the “Company” in this annual report shall be deemed to refer also to the Bank). The Company was organized at the direction of the board of directors of the Bank for the purpose of acquiring all of the capital stock of the Bank. On July 31, 2007, the Company became the bank holding company of the Bank.
