Attis Industries Inc (atis.o)

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公司介绍(Attis Industries Inc)

证券代码 ATIS.O
证券名称 Attis Industries Inc
证券类型 美股
上市场所 纳斯达克交易所
上市板块 -
发行方式 -
首发上市日 2017-01-25
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 -
货币单位 USD
公司名称 Attis Industries Inc.
注册地址 美国纽约州
办公地址 12540 Broadwell Road, Suite 2104, Milton, Georgia, USA
成立日期 1993-11-12
董事会主席 Jeffrey S. Cosman
公司属地 United States 美国
电话 +1 (678) 580-5661
传真 -
公司简介 Attis Industries Inc. is a diverse organization with businesses in the healthcare, medical waste, and environmental technology sectors. Attis is focused on creating long term value for shareholders through acquiring and operating a diverse portfolio of businesses across a wide spectrum of industries. Attis’ multi-industry holding company structure is a key factor in its ability to create value, providing us with the freedom to make investments wherever it perceive the opportunity to enhance returns for its shareholders.
